
Presentations and Workshops: 

  • Iā€™m available to speak at book clubs, civic and community groups, libraries and schools. If the group is in the mid-Missouri area, and you do not provide an honorarium, I request that I be allowed to pass around a "spare change" jar to benefit the Salvation Army's homeless shelter in Jefferson City, Missouri. This is a free-will donation for anyone who wishes to donate. 

  • I also present to writers' groups and workshops. For these events I receive standard honorariums. Three of my possible presentations are

"The Road to Publishing" - A talk of practical advice applicable for any writers who don't know anyone in the publishing business.  Includes handouts. More suited to small groups.                                                                                                                                                           

"Ins and Outs of Writing Conferences - How to Use Them and Avoid Them Using You"  An entertaining talk based on my own foibles, fantasies, and successes.   More suitable for larger groups.                                                                                         

 "The Stories We  Tell"  A workshop for writers thinking about writing down their stories: the stories of their lives, their ancestors, their town.  Participants arrive with an idea they have, and actually map out their next steps based on this presentation. Includes materials and handouts. 

Not what you had in mind? No problem. Email me and tell me where your creative endeavors lead you.

Click on the Blood River Rising tab above and look at "events" to see some of the possibilities.

Trying your hand at writing?

Writing may be a solitary endeavor, yet all writers need support. My years of classroom teaching and tutoring at all levels give me the experience to help you.

From initial brainstorms to final proofreading, I am able guide you through the process. How does my help differ from other online sources? I not only help polish your work, I increase your knowledge base during the process. Together we can break down the writing process and target your needs. Just email me at and we'll discuss what you want. I'll deliver on-time, on-target help or refer you to another source.

Composition: Thinking about writing your memoir? Writing a Personal Statement for admittance into a private high school, a desired college, or your first choice for graduate school? Needing help describing your website products in an interesting and fresh manner? I can give suggestions for alternatives to the mundane. Email me and let's get going.

Revision: Does your draft satisfy its purpose?  Does it answer the question or address the issue?   Revision demands the writer be willing to critically examine the content and look again at it from all angles. I can help with this.

Editing:  In this stage, the text is considered to determine if the format is arranged appropriately.  Is the vocabulary well-suited for the piece's intent?  During editing, sentence structure, paragraph formation, and overall flow and readability are studied to determine if changes are needed. Email me!

Proofreading: Spelling, grammar, word use, and punctuation all require careful proofreading. Is English your second language? Did you last have a grammar lesson in the seventh grade? Rules, rules, rules! My library of current style books helps ensure your piece is correct for its audience. Give me a jingle: email above!

Writing a lengthier piece? Books, Websites, Masters Theses, and Dissertations require a lengthier relationship with your editor. As style manuals all play a role at this stage, be sure you consult the correct one for your piece: Chicago Manual of Style, Modern Language Association (MLA), American Psychological Association (APA) as well as the various journalistic styles usually seen in magazines and newspapers. Or, let me do it for you.

Pricing:  Prices vary from $25.00 - $65.00 an hour.  Email me and we can discuss details depending on your specific needs.