Through assisting struggling writers of all ages, I have developed strategies for moving forward. I hope these tools will help you, wherever you may be in your writing process.  


Adults seeking to writing a book-length piece: Here are three paperbacks to get you started: 

1. A colleague who taught at Georgetown University stated that the best book he read on writing was Stephen King's book, On Writing. Even if you are not a fan of the horror genre (as I am not), you will enjoy reading this book for its practical advice and honesty. You will learn interesting tidbits about this very famous and successful writer, and snag some great pieces of advice on writing. Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft. 2010.

2. From its very beginning, this book will draw any would-be writer into the fold. Ann Lamott wrote a book of great advice mingled with her memoir of growing up with a father who made his living through writing. Captivating, clear, and often funny. Ann Lamott, Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on a Writing Life. 1995.

3. Learning the rules of good writing is often the last subject a writer wants to address. So understandably, we put off the mundane and tedious area until the last minute. But surprise, surprise, learning the rules now will actually help you produce fabulous writing. Start with Elements of Style. It's small, funny, and readable. You will feel as though a concerned teacher is going to push you into learning the rules whether you want to or not. And by the way, this is the bible of writing rules. The first, and many people think still the best. Strunk and White (that's E.B. White of Charlotte's Web fame) Elements of Style, 1918. Now in its fourth edition, but the basic text hasn't changed. So just buy the cheapest . 

Want to see some personal references? Here are a few:

"Dr. Hubbell made our web pages come alive and captured the soul of our business: a group of skilled craftsmen in a Mennonite community. . . She had our customers feeling sawdust under their fingernails and envisioning young lads in suspenders. . . . " State Representative Keith Frederick, Missouri's 121st District 

"Victoria Hubbell edited my meditation book, Accessing Your Information.  The changes she suggested certainly made the text easier to read and understand. It is also nice to know that the text is now technically correct." Rev. Chuck Fagre

“Victoria not only draws students into the reading and writing process, she models thinking processes in creative ways. She is insightful and direct in her interactions with students and their writing.” Margaret Campbell, Director, Student Success Center,  Senior Tenured Faculty at Stephens College

"I could not speak more highly of Victoria Hubbell. Classmates had told me how helpful their meetings with Victoria were, and that they always left her with a sense of direction and confidence. . . With her support and diligence I received a great score on an argumentative essay." Dina K, first year law student.