
Dr. Victoria Hubbell
has been an educator and professional writer for over 35 years.


Recent Developments Click for details:

". . . an engaging, entertaining, and an earthy saga." Lynn Morrow, Missouri historian

". . . an engaging, entertaining, and an earthy saga." Lynn Morrow, Missouri historian

I started teaching at the age of eighteen and never stopped. Teaching has always been both exciting and comfortable to me, and the thrill of watching others learn and progress has brought me great joy. Although publishing is certainly rewarding, my biggest sense of accomplishment comes from seeing my students experience their own "Eureka!" moments.

I received my Doctorate, with an emphasis in Reading and Writing Education, from the University of Missouri. My dissertation investigated the use of writing to improve reading comprehension among adult readers. I also hold a Master's Degree in Education (with Learning and Reading Disability emphasis) as well as a bachelor's from William Woods University. I have received additional post-doctoral writing instruction from Taos Institute of the Arts and tutelage from professional writers Sean Murphy ( and Tania Casselle (

Honors and Awards:

Judge, non-fiction/memoir 2019 (Pacific Northwest Writers’ Association Literary Competition); Finalist in Fiction, 2019, (Tuscan Festival of Books); First in Non-Fiction Category 2019 Well-Versed competition (Columbia Writers Guild); Judge, Non-fiction/Memoir Category, (Pacific Northwest Writers’ Association) 2018 Literary Competition; Finalist Chautauqua Institute 2017 Literary Prize; Finalist in Fiction (Pacific Northwest Writers Association, 2015); Second in Fiction (Tennessee Mountain Writers, Inc. 2015); First in Inspirational Category and winner of  the Sue Ellen Hudson Excellence in Writing Award (Tennessee Mountain Writers, Inc. 2014); Memoir Finalist, Pacific Northwest Writers Association (2014); Adult Short Finalist, Pacific Northwest Writers Association (2011); Sue Ellen Hudson Excellence in Writing Award and First in Nonfiction (Tennessee Mountain Writers, Inc. 2007); Honorable Mention, Tiny Lights Writing Contest (2007); Home Town Hero (2003); Finalist, Heartland Writing Conference (1997); Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Michigan (AICUM) representative for the Department of Education’s Teacher Examination Advisory Committee (1991); Accepted into the graduate faculty and approved to direct Masters theses at the University of Missouri (1985); Kappa Delta Pi Merit Scholarship (1985); Pettit-Hardin Merit Scholarship (1983); Clara Bradley Burdette Merit Scholarship (1979).


“My Father’s Ark” Well Versed, 2019 Literary Magazine of the Missouri Writer’s Association, Columbia Chapter.

            Blood River Rising. Oak Ridge Tennessee: Iris Publication Group, October 2016. (

            “The Role of Storytelling and Culture.” Jim Henson and Philosophy:                        Imagination and the Magic of Mayhem. Maryland: Rowan and Littlefield, June 2015.     Timothy Dale and Joseph Foy, Editors.

             “The Night Barney Got Saved” Senduro Literary Magazine, Las Vegas, New Mexico: New Mexico Highlands University, Spring 2008.

            “Barbara Ann”  Mediphores Literary Magazine, 2001.

            A Town on Two Rivers, published in 1998 by the City of Osage Beach, Osage Beach, Missouri.  365 pages.  (Accepted into Missouri Archives 2001. Noted in Missouri Historical Review, Vol XCIV, No 3.

            “Using Informational Materials to Spark Reading Interests in Adolescents” Eric Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, 1990.

            “Back to the Basics Advice from a Reading Specialist” National Advisor, Spring 1983. 


"Storytelling and Culture" by Victoria Hubbell Released, June 2015.

"Storytelling and Culture" by Victoria Hubbell Released, June 2015.

"The Stories We Tell" workshop at Tennessee Mountain Writers Annual Conference. ( Awarded Best In Show 2014 and 2007, Second in Fiction 2015.)

"The Stories We Tell" workshop at Tennessee Mountain Writers Annual Conference. ( Awarded Best In Show 2014 and 2007, Second in Fiction 2015.)

A Town on Two Rivers surpasses 5,000 units in sales. Contact the author for a copy of this lovely “coffee table” book on the Lake of the Ozark.

A Town on Two Rivers surpasses 5,000 units in sales. Contact the author for a copy of this lovely “coffee table” book on the Lake of the Ozark.