Upcoming Events...
Hawthorne Readers
February 18th, 2020. I will be meeting the Hawthorne Readers in Columbia, Missouri. I’ll being sharing some pictures not in the book, and asking them some questions they asked me to prepare.
Wellsville Library
June, 2020. I’ll be presenting as a speaker for their library speakers’ series. Event is free and open to the public.
As of 6 February, 2020, $1,000.00 has been donated to the Salvation Army's homeless shelter in Jefferson City, Missouri via presentations, book clubs., and book sales. Thanks for helping !
Past Events:
Miller County Museum - Saturday, October 8th, 2016 10:00 - 4:00 Tuscumbia, Missouri - Book Launch
I signed my book, displayed pictures not in the book as well as Hadley Thompson's carvings, and answered questions. There was a short reading at 1:00 and refreshments were served. Thank you Dogwood Roundtable! Around 100 people attended and 50 books were sold. The museum did a fabulous job!
Beautiful 95-year-old Edith Emma at book signing. Daughter of Hadley's sister Dessie Mae.
BNI Luncheon - Lake Business Builders. October 11th, 2016 Elks Lodge, Osage Beach, Missouri.
This was a small presentation on Blood River Rising and A Town on Two Rivers. Stonecrest Book and Toy was kind enough to come and sell both books for autographed copies. They sold all the books they brought except one. Thank you HyVee for catering the event; it was tasty and welcome.
Lake Ozark Rotary, Lake Ozark, Missouri. Tuesday, 25 October 2016, Osage Beach, Missouri.
Presentation to Rotarians about the history behind the feud and the effects on local businesses in the early 20th century.
Book Launch - Tranquility Farm, Columbia, Missouri, 12 November 2016
What a beautiful setting for 60 attendees! Wine, cheese, goodies and a push to support the Boone County Historical Society and the Missouri Review. The cover's artist was also available for signed prints.
Stonecrest Book and Toy Book Signing. Saturday 10 December 2016, Osage Beach, Missouri.
Both Blood River Rising and A Town on Two Rivers were for sale and signing during this event.
Bad Girls Book Club, Freeport Illinois. 17 March 2017.
Dinner, wine, desert, and a presentation of pictures not included in the book was shared with members. What a delightful group. They made it worth the drive!
Waiting for guests to arrive at an inviting Illinois private home.
Annual Conference, April 3 - 5 2017, Tennessee Mountain Writers Association
Oak Ridge, Tennessee
I presented a workshop on "The Stories We Tell" to twenty-five writers in this small group session. This presentation was geared toward writers who wished to tell their story, whether it be the history of a fire department, a memoir of childhood stories, or what it was like to be a single man and rain twelve children. We explored how to make decisions that move the writer toward a finished product.
Happy Bookers Book Club - 25 May 2017
Lunch at Baxter's and a presentation of pictures not included in the book. Q and A followed.
Saturday, June 17th, 10:30 a.m. 2017
Boone County Historical Society and Museum Author's Series - 3800 Ponderosa Street, Columbia, Missouri
Over 125 people came to hear a presentation about the writing of the book, including stories about interviewing and getting people to tell personal and often unflattering stories about their families. Refreshments were devoured and all books sold.
The Saturday morning time frame did not detour history lovers. This venue was especially exciting as members of the Thompson and Crismon families met for the first time. Happy to report there were no fisticuffs !
July 12th, Columbia, Missouri. United Methodist Women Book Club
14 women met at Lenoir Home to listen to a presentation and ask questions. A very inquisitive bunch and my old friend from Jefferson Junior High School teaching days Marsha Twitty Sergent was there. Fun!
July 21st, 2017, Carol's Book Club. Lake Ozark.
Members met at The Batter's Box in Lake Ozark for lunch, pictures, Q and A, and a welcomed respite from the heat in the air conditioning.
August 1, 2017, Grasslands Book Club, Columbia Missouri
A delightful group met at the University of Missouri Alumni Center's University Club to eat lunch, discuss the book, and enjoy pictures brought by the author.
September 19, 2017, Page Turners Book Club, Camdenton, Missouri
After lunch at Canterbury Hill Winery in Holt's Summit, Missouri, 20 members and a few brave spouses asked many questions of the author.
October 10, 2017, Newcomers/Longtimers Group Book Club, Lake Ozark, Missouri
This group met for dinner at Camden at the Lake and then listened to a presentation by the author and looked at pictures from Blood River Rising.
October 16th, 2017, Third Monday Book Club, Columbia, Missouri
Host Ginny was kind enough to provide a lovely dinner for the author before the group met to enjoy asking questions and discussing the intricacies of Blood River Rising.
October 24 - 28, 2017. Wenatchee Public Library, Wenatchee, Washington/Book Club/Girls Morning Out Writing Group
This was a great week's worth of activities. So many thanks to the consummate hosts Jane and John Zanol. I presented an hour long discussion on moving ahead on that writing project called "The Stories We Tell" at the library. On another evening a book club of fifteen entertained me for over two hours with dinner and discussion. And last but not least, a writing group of young adults interesting in writing shared the selections from pieces they were working on. I shared a piece from my upcoming book, Mrs. Noah.
Double Trouble Book Club - Jefferson City, Missouri
March 21st, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. The author presented a pictorial display to approximately 20 members of two local book clubs. Q and A followed and some amazing chocolate chip pie.
Friends of the Missouri State Archives - Author Speakers presentation April 12, 7:00 - 600 West Main Street, Jefferson City, Missouri
What a fabulous series in a great venue. Over 100 people attended and even laughed at the right times during my power point. I learned about what the Archive do and their importance in preserving our little slice of American history. Thank you to all who helped put on this event.
April 26, 2018. Domenico’s Restaurant, Osage Beach, Missouri.
Delta Sigma Pi's Annual Dinner and Meeting
For this presentation, I read quotations from the myriad of strong women I interviewed for the writing of both of my books. It was a wonderful dinner and a supportive group. Thanks for the generous donation, gals!
This group has been active for over thirty years in the Lake of the Ozark area.
Saturday, April 28th - Stonecrest Mall - Stonecrest Book and Toy. 2018
Book Signing 11 - 1
The most exciting part of this day was meeting a “Ponder” relative. If you’ve read the book, you that “she were a Ponder, you know.” Thanks for coming!
I got to meet another relative of Emma Ponder Thompson.
Lake Ozark Book Club - July 21, 2018
Gosh, what a lovely lunch at a private home. I had so much fun I forgot to take any pictures! One of the attendees offered to proofread for me. Hmmm . . . well yes, I could alway use more of that!
August 29, 2018. The Page Turner’s Book Club
A group of about 30 met at Camden on the Lake Resort for dinner and my presentation. It was another nice venue, but I learned to ask people not to tag me on Facebook with the secret society mentioned in the book. I got some strange online reactions! Live and learn as my mom would say . . .
September 19, 2018 Canterbury Hill Winery, Camdenton Book Club, Holt’s Summit, Missouri
Finally! Two brave men whose wives convinced them to read the book attended the luncheon. They were a talkative bunch and I resisted the temptation to sample the wine.
September 20, 2018 The Grasslands Book Club, Columbia, Missouri
One of my favorite venues, the private dining room of the Alumni Center of the University of Missouri. I was entranced by such learned and well-read women. Thank you for asking me!
November 17, 2018 Boone County Library Author’s Day, Columbia, Missouri
Just another one of the many fine programs the Boone County Library puts on. Snacks, lots of people, and being surrounded by books. What’s better than that? Not sure why I was so freezing. Next time I’ll wear long underwear so I can take my coat off! Hats off to the library!